Heather Volz has such a wide variety of background in music and entertainment, which makes sense... having grown up with famous, rock star Dad! We loved telling Petra stories, and Mickey Mouse Club stories, and what it's like to have high school classmates that are now household names!
She is a wonderful soul with and wonderful heart and mind. She currently gets the chance to express her love for soul pop music as a vocalist in the band, Soul DeVille. Most of her family are all still pursuing musical and entertainment endeavors, which are only helping Springfield Mo's 'scene' that much more. It's a passion that she has had since her first words and steps.
Enjoy spending some time with Heather Volz and when you get the chance, go see Soul DeVille sometime! They are high energy. They are funky. They are soulful. And they're a blast to watch, listen and dance to. Tell Heather that you heard about her right here... on Unsung Dreamers... the musical journeys of the not-so-rich and famous!